When I reached it I searched around it and picked up a couple of Finnish coins and more of those brackets, which I now know what are. It is the rubber pads on halftrack/RSO tracks, just minus the rubber, that could have been burnt away or cut off for recycling at some point.
In the pit I began by removing the loose stuff from previous visit, making sure to have a good look through it not to miss anything. A difficult task when the soil is wet and sticky. When that was done I started searching through the un-dug part of the pit. I pulled out a food tin and my jaw dropped! I laughed out loud and could not believe my eyes! I couldn`t tell which of the variants but I was looking at a Nordfront- or Lapplandfront Cross sticking out from the soil! The two last seasons I have found two of these awards, with a year and a day apart, now this one some twenty days early. What a trip :D I freed the badge from the soil and noticed the enamel had a little damage and that the front plate was missing. That sucked, and it would be difficult to find the small flat part in this mud, but I was so excited by the find anyway. Then I looked down and saw the part laying there! It must have come out together with the food tin. Now I was even happier. I placed it in a safe spot and got back to searching.
The hours went by and I had dug through the pit. I had dug up a lot of the track link brackets, a lot of food tins, some small bottles but only one large bottle this time, toothpaste tubes and a few padlocks. I also found a knife, an axe, a field torch, some rifle ammo and several medical ampoules, all empty.
Having backfilled the dumping pit and stretched my back I searched around for a while. First find was a pick axe with "73" engraved on the side, then a pair of medical scissors and a pair of ski goggles. Then I moved towards the car and alternated searching and picking blueberries. It is probably the last of the blue gold that will be picked this season, but next week we can begin picking the red and delicious lingonberry.
The last signal I dug today was another pretty good find, a German fire extinguisher for a vehicle, and the holder for it.
As I was driving home the rain came pouring down. Hopefully it won`t last too long.
After dinner I gave the badge a light cleaning and it is a Lapplandfrontkreuz variant I did not already have. It came in 12 variants and the three I have found are different from each other.
Happy days my friends. Enjoy autumn as best as you can :)