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One M24 & Four bags of Berries

Writer's picture: InkaInka

german gebirgsjäger camp

The days here North are getting shorter and the forests and mountainsides are rapidly getting dressed in yellow, red and orange, and the digging season is soon over. Thats why I really try getting out there every day now.

On Tuesday I spent 7 hours or so exhausting myself while trying to cover a lot of ground and at the same time checking all the signals, a near impossible task of course given the amount of old war junk in the ground and the wastness of the forests, but one have to try :D

I didn`t get any great finds but there were enough to put some weight in the backpack. I also discovered several dumping pits that I would love to have time to search through before winter is finally here. I picked up a few tools from underneath the berrycovered forest floor, a full RG34 rifle cleaning kit, a few Esbit burners, a couple of M24 parts, a artillery shell cannister lid and a gear shift stick for a vehicle.

The last few hours I opened up one of the dumping pits and worked my way through 1/3 of it but it was a very difficult one as it was full of rocks with roots grown over and across and lots of big horse bones. It didn`t give much of a result relic wise but I managed to build a little pile of bottles, cream tubes, a Finnish porcelain plate, a fork and a small metal cast miniature model of the cathedral in Trondheim, probably a soldier stationed there at some point picked it up as a souvenir.

Wednesday it was raining buckets so I did some cleaning of relics and worked on making cufflinks where I use rifle casings I have picked up on battlefields over the years.

Today Girlfriend could join me so we took the car and went to the fields of rust and berries together and spent some 5 hours digging for rust and filling several bags of berries. There is little better in life doing what you love, together with someone you love.

Again I didn`t have a great lot of luck on the finds but that is really not the most important thing either, the hunt is the bigger joy, and getting the good finds is a blessed bonus when that happen.

That said there was at least one find that I would classify as very good, and that was a M24 head, empty from the potential dangerous stuff so that can go straight in an Oxalic acid bath once I get some more of that.

I also found a gasmask filter, a gasmask cannister, a few tools, another rifle cleaning kit, a Heer axe, a enamelled kettle with several porcelain cream jars inside and two helmet liners, so somewhere around there should be a couple of helmets unless someone already found them ofcourse.

Other than that I dug out some rifle casings, both live, empty and exploded ones, a couple of field batteries and of course some 378 kg of nails, food tins, barbed wires and unrecognisable trash. As dinner time approached I was just closing up a small dumping pit when the first raindrops fell. The sky had gradually become something that could hang above Mordor and as soon as we got ourselves, the rust and all the berries into the car the skies opened up and its been pouring down since.

All I can hope for now is that it stops before tomorrow coz I wanna go out there again :D

​Stay dry but dirty my friends :)

gearstick from wh vehicle
A gear stick.
digging out a gebirgsenzian bottle
Clay bottles in a dumping pit.
metal lego head
I dont know what this part belongs to, but I am going to clean it and make it into a Lego head.
german cream tubes
Lots of cream tubes.
white Finnish porecelain sticking out from the soil
Porcelain. Love finding it.
white plate with red decoration
It was a tea plate this time.
Berries ready for picking.
german helmet liner
For a helmet liner.
large kettle and porcelain jars
Large kettle and some small porcelain jars.
M24 grendae head
exploded 7.92 rounds
Exploded 7.92 rifle rounds.
yummy berries
Delicious berries.
small model of nidarosdomen
A small model of Nidarosdomen.
a bent fork
This fork had done its job.
souvenir model of nidarosdomen
Nidarosdomen after some rinsing.

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