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A Trip to the Mountain

Writer's picture: InkaInka

Norwegian mountains and fjord

Today was so nice weather that we decided to drop all other things we really had to do and spend the day outside instead. For all we know there will be snow next weekend so such a day needs to be taken advantage of.

We packed the bags with our gear and added a thermos of coffee and a bag of food and took off towards one of the many mountains surrounding us. On place we found ourselves in an old German camp for a little relic hunt.

While I roamed around with the detector, Girlfriend alternated between taking photos of bugs and fauna, and sitting in a tree reading.

My first find today was something I have found hundreds of while searching in Latvia, but only a few of here in Norway, a Soviet PPSh round. The next find was a really nice one, an empty M24 handgrenade head, one can never find enough of those, and they are easily missed if one is searching such an area as today, a place filled with food cans, as the next hours would prove.

Few times have I been in forests with so many signals all over as today. The soldiers here must have been very well fed as more than 90% of what I dug today was different kind of food tins and oven parts. I did find a few other things too though, a gasmask canister, a deactivated k98 round, and of course lots of fired and unfired rifle rounds. One signal was a compass, probably from the 80`s. I found a Wehrmacht axe, a medical tray, a couple of signal flares, one of which a brass Kriegsmarine type, a cap from a Soviet canteen and in a small dumping pit I found a bunch of medical ampoules, a few of them containing medicine against Tetanus :D

After a coffee break and some more searching we decided to call it quits and relax the rest of the day, so we found an idyllic spot and made a fire where we cooked hot dogs for dinner while we enjoyed a spectacular view of the autumn clad mountain forest :)

​Happy autumn my friends:)

ppsh round found on the forest floor
PPSh round.
m24 stick grenade head
M24 head.
axe with part of the handle intact
A heavy axe with part of the handle intact.
Someone dropped their compass.
half buried german gasmask canister
A really nice gasmask canister.
bean shaped medical instrument tray
Together with some food tins was a medical tray.
rifle casings and canteen screwcork
Rubbish were strewn all over the place.
a big spider in the autumn forest
orange hills
Orange hills.
sitting in a tree reading
When in need of a chair..
food tins and tetanus ampoules
A small trash pit with food tins and ampoules.
german tetanus vaccine ww2
Tetanus vaccine, so now I don`t have to worry about that anymore.
digging up a signal found with the fisher f5 detector
Checking yet another signal.
Green bottle with nürnberg embossed
I collect interesting bottles I find, sadly this one was broken, but I found the three-four shards from it so come dark evenings and I ll have a 3D puzzle.
ovens rusting away
Ovens from the barracks and huts that once stood here.
making hot dogs on outdoor fire
Dinner :) Its been maaany years since I ve made a fire in the forest so I was nervous that it would come some adults yelling about it but it went fine, didnt burn down the hillside :)
evening on the mountain
Evening comes on quick this time of the year.

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