Early Monday morning I was back to the site where I found the Lappland Schild. I wanted to continue a bit on the dumping pit and also take time to do some metal detecting in the surrounding area.
The last few days the weather has become strangely summery again, with temps laying around 14-15 degree Celsius. Of course some of the gnats and black flies likes this and gets extra happy when I come around to feed them.
I spent two-three hours working in the dumping pit and found a few interesting bits besides an ore of broken glass and burnt batteries. A few pieces belonging to communication equipment had survived the burning of the garbage dump, like plugs and connectors. Some of them were made from bakelite and can be made functional again, just luck they didn`t disappear in the fire.
A few radio tubes made it to the relic pile, so did a very nice Göffel and a large iron ashtray. When I had enough of this work I got up on my legs and found the metal detector to do some regular searching.
Quite near to the dumping pit I found a small hoard of coins, Norwegian ones ranging from 1933 to 1942. A T.Mi.Z.35 fuze missing its top plate was otherwise in very nice condition. Next to it was a MP38/ 40 magazine and a bit further a German canteen, and then I found another little coinspill, six German coins this time. Also there was a lot of junk left behind from modern day army excercises.
In the middle of a slope I got a typical "dumping pit signal". Here I spent the rest of the day, scraping and digging away soil. It was quite a nice result from the work as well. A lot of metal chess pieces, a good handfull of coins, a few Germans but mostly Finnish. The nicest one was a Finnish 10 Pennia from 1890.
On the side of the ditch a denazified Wound Badge in Black had been waiting to be dug out for ca 80 years. It had a few small damages but I am really happy with that find.
I found three fishing lures, seeing that there is a good river nearby I guess the soldiers could enjoy that kind of foraging from time to time. Glass came out of the ditch in a steady pace, mostly pefume bottles but probably around ten intact wine and beer bottles too.
I spotted a wavy pattern on a small silver looking item and thought it was a pendant in the shape of a sea shell, but when I turned it and wiped some soil from it I saw it was a panzer skull. These were worn on the panzer uniforms collar tabs.
I was very surprised to find this as I know this place only as a Gebirgsjäger camp, and it was in general not too many panzer units here. A great little find that I for a long time hoped to get.
When I had dug ca half the pit my shift was ending and I had to start thinking about going home. I swept the detector in front of me and found on the way to the car two German coins and a razor that a root had grown through and separated its three parts, quite funny, so I cut the root so I could bring it home for preservation.
The parking lot was full of hunters. They were all excited as it was the first day of the moose hunting, making the woods and fields a rather risky place to be for me in the coming days. Hopefully they will get their quota within a few days so I can get back to finish the dumping pit.
Until then I am going to clean relics, and work on a few diorama projects.
Enjoy the autumn days :)
