The Girlfriend is doing the last week of her fieldwork and will be back home this week so I have been busy out in the woods digging up rusted relics to impress her with. The floors have been dragged full of sand, vegetation, mud and rust so I have a big job cleaning the house before she returns tomorrow evening, if not there is a chance she will be less impressed. And knowing myself, I will probably go searching tomorrow, leaving me with only a few hours left for panic-cleaning.
I have been doing quite a lot of walking and digging the last week, mainly in a large Heer camp, but didn`t find huge amounts of relics. Most of the time it has been raining but there were some moments with partly blue sky and a warming autumn sun.
One of the days I found a ditch along the top of a slope. It had some really promising signals so I had no other choice than to get sweaty, well, if it hadn`t been just easy sandy soil I would have dug on me some heat. I like such easy digging conditions, sandy soil often it preserves relics well too. The reason for the signal was the top of a large parafin lamp, nice blue lacquered steel. Next to it was two gasmask containers, one had the lid open, but the mask looks to be ok, the other one was closed but also have the mask by the feel of it. Other than that the ditch held some cream tubes, bottles and food tins.
After searching in the slope where I could only find stove parts and rubbish I was back to the top of the slope and got a very good signal almost immediately. Ca 20 centimeters down I had contact with metal. I suspected it to be a fire extinguisher, as I have found many of those the last seasons and my fingers seems to have memorized the extinguishers configurations quite well. The soil was so loose that I could just pull the item out and it was an extinguisher.
Mounted in the bracket, and in an amazing condition! The text and logo was all super clear and clean. Probably one of the best preserved items I have ever found! Having it on the surface I scooped around in the sand with my hand and suddenly had hold on another one! This one too in great condition and in the bracket! Both the brackets had some small damages but I am so pleased with this find. Now I spent some hours searching the rest of the edge of the slope but the luck had ran out.
Another day I spent some time in another part of the forest and found a rather big dump. I did a little probing and it is very possible it is good stuff there. It is a lot of metal, barrels, fuel cans, food tins and barbed wire, lots of wire. I didn`t do any digging there, I only pulled out a German leather boot and realized I will need a good wire cutter that can eat through the barbed wires so I can access the other stuff, whatever it is. Later on the day I wandered into a huge patch of raspberry bushes and swapped the detector for a bag. When I had filled it with the sweet red berries I went home to make jam.
Today the weather looked like it was going to be decent enough for digging so I went out quite early. I followed another path in the forest this time, and found the remains of two or three buildings and searched around them for a while. It was plenty of "building shrapnel" but I did pick up a small ashtray of the souvenir kind. It had a viking ship and "Norge" engraved on it. Too much rubble and roots made it difficult to dig there so I grabbed my backpack and went strolling again. Not long after I saw a metal pipe sticking out of the ground. It has some strong signals around so I was back to digging.
After a little while it had become clear that this was a massive dumping pit. Filled with oven parts, pipes, tubes, vehicle parts, wagon parts and rocks. Big rocks. It was a real heavy day. Later it began raining hard too, not the fine drizzle that had come from time to time. Oh, no, this was big heavy angry-rain.
The nice rich soil quickly turned into mud and I was soaked to the skin. The water pooled in some of the relics I had brought to the surface. After several hours of that joy I had to stop.
I had no more space in my backpack and I was getting quite tired and hungry. I had placed in the "bring home pile" two krafstoff barrell tops, a car jack, a lug wrench, window glass for a car, a porcelain cup, a bakelite box, a vehicle horn, some other vehicle parts and four nice Notek lamps!!
I made it home safely and everything is hung up to dry, and there is mud everywhere, man, how will this go, and I have one-third left of the pit to dig, so it ll be a busy day for me tomorrow. Its gonna be wet too looking at the weather report :)
