If we talk about WWII Erkennungsmarke , it becomes interesting. You can find one half of Erkennungsmarke , you can
find whole Erkennungsmarke , you can see whole Erkennungsmarke made of two halves, or you can see it broken in small pieces.
If you see a half with one hole, you can be 95% sure that it doesn`t come from grave robbing. Erkennungsmarke of dead soldier was broken in two halves , half with one hole goes to headquarters as proof of death , there it was registered and thrown out. Half with two holes stays with body , when it stays with body for some 60 or more years , most likely it will become very corroded , but it depends on the soil , zinc ones usually are very corroded with body and for exhumation workers they are hard to read.
condition than the ones coming from bodies and graves. They threw them away unbroken, broken in two parts and throwing them in different directions, breaking in many small pieces , throwing them in fire and doing other awful
things to them , sometimes it is very hard to find all parts of Erkennungsmarke.
And knowing that, look at the location of seller, if he is from Latvia, most likely tag comes from a capitulation place ,
here graverobbing is a rare thing , but of course , sometimes it happens. If seller is from Danzig (Gdansk), it may be such tag as well , Stalingrad (Volgograd) or Koenigsberg (Kaliningrad), may be or may be not, I don't suggest to buy tags from Russia. From Germany, most likely comes from capitulationsites as well.
-Andris Lelis