I recently completed this Newspaper Kiosk project. It is a lasercut cardboard kit made by Plus Model, I had it for years, built and placed in a box and forgotten about until not long ago when a museum wanted it for its exhibition. I found it from the boxes, dusted it , painted a newspaperseller figure made by MK35 and made a small interesting base to put it all on :) So now it is off to its new home in the museum :)
The last few days I ve made some "New Stuff" out of relics and I wanted to show a few relics that got new life as lamps. A POMZ-2 mine, found in Latvia, mounted on a wooden plinth where I made a 1:1 scale section of forest floor,with some moss and fallen leaves. The other one is a German M43 helmet, teared up and flattened by detonations prehaps, mounted on a repainted light fixture. The third lamp is a Red Army helmet found in the Kurland Kessel. It has some original color left and several shrapnel hits. On the lamp base I fixed a guards badge.
July 2024