Enjoy your Monday friends:)
Nice and sunny today so I made a trip outside to check the soil in a couple of places. First I drove to the gasmask mountain to pick up a few things, I didnt do any searching there today because I know then the day would pass without me getting around to do any other things, but I did spot a part I dont know what is,but have seen somewhere before..Maybe some of you readers know what it is?? See the pics below.. Next I went back to where I was a few weeks ago, at the place where I found the two fieldkitchens which might be the Soviet POW camp I never knew existed. The place is by the foot of the mountain,so it dont get too much sun and the ground was still covered with snow. A kilometer away from there I had found a german cable spool and went back there to see if it by now would be possible to get it out of the ground. There the sun had thawed the ground nicely so the spool came with me home. It seems there is still a few weeks befroe the digging season here is fully on,but until then I have now a couple of sites possible to dig, but, the rest of the day is for cleaning relics and the house.
Enjoy your Monday friends:)
At last beautiful Miss Spring is here in the Northlands. It was not hard to drag myself away from the workbench and facebook to get out in the nature. It has become a tradition for me to start the spring searching the gasmask mountain. It is one of the first places in my valley which taws because of its location and it is so much stuff to find there. As last spring there have been some rock slides or avalanches during the winter and the boulders have made some new obstacles on the road,, but also a few rocks have cut open some new ditches on their way down to the fjord. I spent some 5 hours here today and it was awesome. Being out in the nature with only the sounds from ravens,the wind and the waves crashing into the rocks and sometimes the ghostly sounds from the little whales when they are surfacing,feeling the smell of fresh soil and old rust is just pure happiness. I did find a few gasmasks in nice relic condition, some interesting unknown parts and some other small bits which found their way home with me awaiting cleaning. Here are some pics for you to enjoy. Some silver threads,don`t know what from though. Lids,flares,wires and some small medical tubes. Mirror from a vehicle,missing the mirror itself. This one has the same shape as the magnetic tank mines,,wonder if it can be off one like that. The ants were as busy as me. The Raven came down to inspect me.
Lately the weather has improved and one can start sense the spring. The ground is still frozen solid so digging might be a few weeks away still. I have started making some small recce trips to places that might be interesting. One of the sites have seen different activities since around 1900 and I was recently told there had also been a camp for Soviet POWS a short time during the war. When walking through the forest there I discovered 2 fieldkitchens lying close together,on the same spot there was also some concrete foundations so it might be the camps kitchen. Not so far from the kitchen I found a fallen shed, and around it a couple of interesting things like a cable spool I think looks german, a couple of those cast iron ovens I often find on POW and WH campsites, and some other junk which needs digging out when the ground thaws. I have also made a stroll along the old railroad the Soviet POWs built,didn`t find so much rust there but took some pics for you fine people.
July 2024