Maybe the finds will be better next time,, or maybe they won`t, you never know with this hobby:)
Have a nice weekend :)
When I was driving towards the dumping pit today I decided to make a stop by another german camp for just a quick walk through. I ended up spending the whole day there mostly walking around searching for signals to dig. I stumbled across a couple of small dumping pits but there was nothing interesting in them except a medical bottle and a perfume bottle. Of the other signals I dug it was 99% rubbish today, but two signals was the right stuff. The first one I dug was just under the moss and it was a very nice Stalag POW tag. The other was a fieldmade tag, it reads 186 and something more I will try to figure out. I kept searching and digging until it started to become dark but had no more luck. Maybe the finds will be better next time,, or maybe they won`t, you never know with this hobby:) Have a nice weekend :) Coffee. Medical- and pefrume bottle. Mystery part. Wooden ball-top,from a tool of some kind prehaps. Two k98 casings, a clasp, and a button. POW ID tag. Stalag IID. The two tags. The Stalag tag is still uncleaned. "186" It was easy enough to spell out most of the cyrillic letters on the tag. Because of the fold a little bit of guesswork and help from some Legenda members was needed and the engraving spells a surname, "Novikov" After cleaning the Stalag tag lightly. It is a very cool find as it is a repaired tag, a very well made repair. Very happy with this find.
I got up ungodly early today, around 8, I think my inner clock must be broken waking up at that hour. I spent a couple of hours drinking coffee and preparing some packages to bring to the post. When that was done I went to the dumping pit I left last evening. It is large and full of rust, unfortunately crap rust, and I kept finding bottles every other minute or so. Sometimes a signal flare and some other bits was between the rubbish. The bottom of it wasn`t so deep, a rocky sand ground which filled quickly with water.Half of the pit is covered by a thick band of barbed wire and when I had found and cleaned the corner I had been digging towards I began cutting my way through the wire. It took some effort but soon I could sort of roll a big section of it away. Signal flares. Nivea bottle and Velvet Sportscream. Battery. The rest of the uniform had rotted away. With the wire out of the way I could continue finding bottles and food tins and the odd interesting bits. The pile of finds grew as the day went on and I kept searching thoroughly and on the bottom I found a 9mm pistol magazine half full. Sadly the bottom of the magazine had rotted away but still a cool little find. Found several Esbit stoves but all but this was destroyed. K98 stripper clip, for loading the rifle. 9mm magazine. Too bad with its condition. Losantine bottle. Not sure what this is from. Piece from a bunker stove. I was getting close to the third corner of the pit when more and more bottles was in the clay and I had to be careful not to brake any and not cut myself on the many already broken. Now and then some other stuff was in there. A full rosodont box, more flares, several toothpaste tubes and a bakelit tent peg. Finally I got to the bottom and had found the side of the dumping pit but still at least a quarter or a bit more is covered with barbed wire. With only an hour of daylight left I decided to roam around a little searching for signals in the field and along the forest. I filled in the dumping pit because I will start digging the rest of it from the last corner as it will be easier to get the barbed wire off that way. When I was doing that the neighbour came to say hello and we went around searching. We thought we found a panzerfaust but it was a part from a wagon, but we found a nice german axe head. On the field we found some modern rubbish and next to a tree we found a downed helicopter. A small R/C one. The neighbour knew who had lost it so he will bring it back to them. Before I left we went into his garage and used an angle grinder to sharpen my shovel, so now I can almost shave with it. Well, tomorrow I will have a rest and go help my parents,so no digging, but friday I ll be back in the forest. A tube with some cream and a k98 casing. Rosodont box made of bakelite. Bakelite tent peg and a porcelain jar. Signal flares, and I didn`t have the one to the right in my collection already so it made me happy to find. Part of k98 ammo pouch. French soldier drinking cup. Some alu food tins. A few bottles. The downed helicopter.
I woke up to a frozen world this morning, a truly depressing sight. I checked the temperature and it showed -2 celsius and when I opened the door to let the cats out they just ran back to the warm bedroom. Luckily the sky was all blue and the sun was heating nicely so it didn`t take long before the frost was gone. I had to help my parents to dig some drainage at their new house and with that done I had three and a half hours to dig in the forest before darkness, so I rushed out there. With no time to spare I drove to a forest where I can park just meters away from the search area and went to work with the metal detector. Here I have located several dumping pits and just picked one of them and began digging. A zeltbahn had rotted away in the pit and I tried to pick out all the small buttons from the soil,not an easy task as they are all soil colored after 70 years down there, but the pinpointer was to great help. The guy who lives next to the forest had spotted me and came out for a chat and helped digging a bit and we dug out hundreds of horse shoe ice cleats. Ice cleats for horse shoes. Ink bottle. D-rings from horse harness, zeltbahn buttons, part from a meat grinder and a plier. When the first pit was checked I went over to another one. It had a lot of signals, but mostly iron so I suspected it to be all trash. An hour later I had checked through it and it was all wire bits and one alu fish tin, but at least now I dont have to wonder about that pit anymore. Then I took direction towards a huge ditch I ve dug a bit on earlier. I haven`t found much interesting there yet and it is difficult to dig because barbed wire from the german camp is criss crossing the surface and in the soil but I am sure there is interesting bits there so it needs to be searched. I managed to clear away some of the wire and had a corner by the edge of the ditch I could start digging. It was quite a bit of metal there, lots of food tins and bottles. A few signal flares in nice condition was nice to find and part of a helmet strap gives me hopes of a helmet down there somewhere. It was getting darker now so I took a last scoop of soil out of the hole and found a soldiers flashlight, a Zeiler , made of bakelite, a super cool find, it really made my day. As I got up from the hole I noticed that the grass was already white of frost so I packed up and drove back home. Guess where I will be digging tomorrow :D Leather bits. Pioneer wire, fish tin and losantine bottle. Signal flares for the Leuchtpistole. Bits of cloth and a piece from a k98 ammo pouch. Zeiler flashlight, made from bakelite.
As the headline says, Winter is coming. Before the weekend I could see snow on the mountain tops and every morning it had crept a bit further down towards the valley,,a horrible sight. The temperature is falling as well and at the moment it is +1 degree Celsius. Also it was raining hard all weekend, but I didn`t let that stop me, there is plenty of digging to be done before the cold makes the ground become like concrete. Since Friday I have been searching a forest where it was both a Wehrmacht camp and a small POW camp. I continued on a dumping ditch I located last summer and finally found the end of it. Relics poured out of it but mostly it was bottles and rotted soldiers boots. I found a few small boxes made by soldiers or POWs which was inteesting. None of them had any engravings and was a bit damaged, and I found two unfinished boxes made from the little alu fish tins. German bottles. Hall`s Wine Tonic and a 300ml medical bottle. Red Army enamelled cup. Small zink boxes. Two meters away from the ditch I could see a part of the forest floor was like sunk in a little so I made a sweep with the Fisher, and it told me to dig, so I did. It was ofcourse a dumping pit. The next hours was spent digging it, but no good stuff had survived all the years underground. Here was also a bunch of boots and bottles, but I was lucky to find a few small pieces from a chess set before I refilled the pit. Digging the dumping pit. Some of the soldier boots. Barrel bands. Bottles and food tins. Dont know what this was used for, but could look like something kitchen related. Soldiers was supplied with small chess games. Chess pieces. I had an hour or so left before I had to go to work so it was no point starting on another dumping pit so I walked around picking up single signals and taking a few pics of some of the stuff on the surface. I picked up an axe, a small metal bottle and a shovel. The next bits was a boot heel iron and a silver or neusilber spoon and the last signal I dug today was a nice 5 Reichpfennig coin. When I got to work there was a kid there,prehaps 9 years old, he had read about me in the newspaper and was very interested in war history so I gave him the coin, he`ll have more fun with it than me:) Hopefully the frost and snow won`t arrive yet so that I can get some more digging done. Axe and metal bottle. Nicely preserved shovel. Spoon and boot heel iron. 5 Reichspfennig. On the surface: |
October 2024