When I got to the site I just threw my backpacks into a bush and started looking for some bits worth saving. I walked around for an hour picking up stuff the winter and small rockslides had brought to the surface before I found the place I stopped digging last autumn.
I spent the rest of the day getting dirty and wearing down my gloves pulling the usual bits out of the ground, antigas bottles and boxes, mg drum magazines and a couple of gasmask cannisters that might be worth cleaning up. I also found quite a few small medical bottles and ink pots which is always great to find.
Way past dinnertime I had two full backpacks and not room for more than a few ants in my pockets, relics everywhere, and it was time to climb back to the road and head home. It ll be a great evening cleaning the finds, and I am thrilled that the season is on.
Happy Digging my friends:)