Sweeping the detector around the area where the backfilled waffenmeister ditch was gave off lots of signals, so after some crawling around on the ground with the pinpointer and bayonet I found several more tools and firing pins, and the last signal I had there was a MGg wrench! Super finds really..
It wasn`t even lunchtime yet so I continued deeper into the forest, opening up the ground now and then to see if I had discovered a treasure. For a moment I thought I had found another silver item but it was a nickle plated box with lids on both sides. On one side it was engraved "Patent" and on the other lid some kind of monogram, and the next find was a brass fork.
By lunch I hadn`t found any more relics worth saving so I had a rest and decided to check in another direction, towards the mountain. The area I moved into now had been well used by NATO forces exercising coz I found lots of the red plastic training ammo, 9mm, 7.92 and .50 plus quite the amount of foil from the food and snack rations, which I picked up to dispose of in the garbage which the Army should have done in the first place. It was clear that I was still in the German camp coz here and there a rusted and broken triangular barrack oven laid half overgrown and I could see dugouts and building foundations. In front of a dugout was a short ditch with a great signal. I dug it open and picked up two old coke cans, but I stuck the pinpointer down there and it was still some metal there. I removed rocks, roots and soil and checked again with my hand. I didn`t really dare to believe what I felt, but it was the rim of a helmet!! I thought I had found my fair share of helmets already so this was unexpected!! I got it to the surface and it looked really good. A little cleaning and this will have 90% or more color left. The liner was gone though.
The ditch still gave off signals so I opened up the other end of it. Now I really thought someone was messing with me and stood up to look around to see if some friends were hiding behind trees to have a laugh, irrational, I know.. I had my hands on another helmet rim!! I pulled it out from the soil and it also looked really good. Prehaps a tad more rusted than the first one, but who cares??its a helmet! This one was also lacking the liner. I dug through the rest of the ditch but it was only food tins and some horseshoes left down there.
The next few hours I moved around checking signals given by the detector, sat down looking at a bird who was messing around with its nest, found a frozen dumping pit for another day and dug up 6 or 7 signal flares.
At some point I got tired and hungry but I had eaten all my food and was out of water so turned my nose toward the car again. On my way out I only dug two signals, both were fired caliber 50 bullets, which will probably make some decent keyrings.
I have been searching and digging between 7 and 10 hours daily for more than a week now so tomorrow I am gonna rest but hopefully I am back searching on Saturday.. until then, Keep Smiling and stay muddy :)