Behind the first layer of relics was a small ore of MG bits. I found several ammo drums which willl clean up nicely, a few of them had MG ammo belts inside. I also found a MG 34 cradle mount and a muzzle flash hider. I was happy with the flash hider as I always wanted one, and now finally I found one. In the hole was also some medic and perfume bottles, a Nivea tin and a small pile of Losantine bottles and boxes.
When I had filled the bags and refilled the hole I strolled around in the area enjoying the beautiful weather, taking photos and listening to the ravens screaming from above. I was also lucky enough to get a glimpse of the Harbour Porpoise that live in the Fjord.
I hope to make a trip back to the Wehrmacht camp in the forest on Thursday and Friday for more digging, so until then,Stay Happy :)