The second place I dug held mostly nails and wire bits but also a tent peg and a helmet liner band. I dug alot around to try find the helmet but I had no luck with that.
The third little dumping pit gave a handfull of horseshoes and a large piece of a ceramic pipe and a zink bit which I think is from a French ammo box.
I moved a bit further into the forest and had a great and deep signal which had to be investigated. Ca half meter down was a large kettle or cut down fuel drum. It lay upside down and to make things easier I tunnelled under it from the side, but it was nothing more there. Prehaps it came from one of the camps toilets.
By now I was all wet, hungry and getting tired, and both the backpacks was full, and I had a long way back to the car. It was a bit of a struggle getting back there with all the stuff including the heavy siren looking thing, but after a while I could start the car and drive home towards a warm shower and dry clothes.
Lets hope its better weather tomorrow and new treasures to be found.
Stay Happy my friends :)
*EDIT* I just found out that the siren looking thing is actually a blower from a forge :)