The pit has been full of ampoules, medical glassware and bottles and today was no different. I carefully placed the fragile items safely away from any rocks and metal.
Creamtubes, coins, a razor sharpener, gaming pieces, toothbrushes and shards from smashed porcelain bowls slowly found their way to the pile. I always collect porcelain bits during a dig, coz sometimes they puzzle together nicely. This time the only salvagable bit was a piece with the eagle and swastika. I dug up bits from at least six karbid lanterns and a leather boot cut down to find use as a slipper. The other one might still be somewhere in the untouched parts of the pit, or it went up in flames when the pit was burnt.
I had to get home for dinner because I was starving, and hadn`t brought food for a long day out, but first I needed to spend my remaining energy on pulling what felt like the top of a kraftstoff barrel out from under a rock, and when I had it out I felt another one. They were both very nice, and one had interesting stencilings added. A blue " D " and a black "L" inside a triangle. I wonder what meanings those had..
Now I had a proper load of relics to carry back to the car, and it was almost so I welcomed the returning winter and the break from carrying rust it would bring :D
After dinner me and the Girlfriend went outside to figure out what was inside the box. Opening it was easy and was done without damaging it, although a hole appeard from under some crust on the lid. Inside was a medical tray where the lid had rotted away, but the bottom and the tray itself were in nice condition. Other than that was two large needles and a smaller box made from presstoff. Inside that was a leather pouch with loops for instuments, but only a small metal cone was present. Not the treasure we had been hoping for, but prehaps the thrill of it was the treasure :)
Today there were no digging with Jimmy coz he was overseeing a Yatzy tournament, but hopefully there will be some searching again in the coming week :)