It is so wonderful walking into a forest where you can`t hear traffic and you can smell so many things, fresh air, tree saps, the damp forest floor, ant pee, very strong, intense smell of ant pee. I had kneeled down to check a signal in the middle of Ant Highway, a mistake I ve done more than once, and it took a bit of jumping around to get rid of the angriest of them. The signal I had been checking was a fallen and overgrown barbed wire fence. The next hour all I found was two shovel blades, so I took direction of the ditch.
I had to hack my way through a huge stinging nettle shrubland and them bastards got my face, stung through my gloves and some even burrowed their way through my trousers and got to my legs and knees. Great fun! I found the ditch and kept digging there the rest of the afternoon. The ground was full, it was barely any room for soil between all the food tins and bottles, broken and a whole bunch of intact ones. It was a handful of items between it all worth saving, a pocket knife, a MG rubber muzzle cap,k98 oilers, some smaller bottles, Nivea and perfume ones and a couple of signal flares. under a zink bucket that was upside down it was a couple of food tins with the paper lables still on, but they turned to dust by the breath, and the find of the day a German helmet liner.
I hope to make a trip back there one of the next days and maybe if I am lucky I ll find the helmet then :)