Next we followed an old no longer used forest road not too far from the empty barracks, and then suddenly the detector began making its happy duck sounding noises. I checked the signal and it was a German k98 round, and the next signal an aluminum food tin, and then the detector wouldn`t shut up. Signals were all over the place. I checked a few of the signals and it was all old German rust, and the metals blanketed a large area, ca 3 x 10-15 meters, a huge dumping site!! I spent the next couple of hours opening a small ditch to see what kind of stuff could be hiding underneath the grass. I dug out bottles, wires , nails, rusted cutlery, food tins, larger metal parts, burnt paper and cloth, all sorts of stuff really. It looked like it was a burnt layer, not very deep, covering the whole site, a place to spend the rest of the season prehaps. I didn`t find any spectacular things searching through the little starter ditch, but found a gaming dice, a porcelain egg cup, a very cool viking-decoration style bottle opener, a gasmask cannister with something inside it (will open it today), some signal flares, a Norwegian coin from 1902, a bunch of German vehicle fire extinguishers and a couple of razors.
The day moved towards evening so I finished the little test ditch and then did a little search in the surrounding area. Half hour later I had discovered several more dumping pits and lots of signals strewn around in the forest, one place I dug up a German gasmask, and another half of a large forge blower, and a few horseshoes.
Now it was time to call it quits coz we had some blueberry picking to do so we could have fresh jam for next days vaffel making when we`d be sitting at home enjoying the sounds of a rain storm outside the windows.
Enjoy the beginning of autumn (if you are on the Northern hemisphere).