In the forest I started where I left yesterday. For the first hour I dug only rubbish and those annoying bits of fence wires. One signal was very good and removing some moss it looked like I had a nice metal box or crate. I was very disappointed to find it was no box but just a rubbish metal part. Then the Fisher told me about a bunch of rusted stuff beneath a pile of branches. I got the wood cleared away and tore open the soil. A deep layer of rocks with strong signals under was a really good sign. A dumping pit for sure, but what could be in it??
The first thing to see daylight again was a sharp jagged piece of glass so here I had to be careful. It took until dusk to empty the pit and I made it without any bleeding fingers. There was mostly rusted food tins and alot of broken bottles to find. Also hundreds of parts for the M24 stick handgrenade. The part on top of the wooden shaft to attach the grenade itself, lots of the screw caps and a few porcelain balls. When I had made sure the hole was empty I filled it back and covered it.