After a couple of days with heavy rain keeping me at home I was happy today when it seemed to have stopped. I had other things to do at home but I could spare a few hours searching for parts from Wehrmachts vehicles. The very first signal today was another license plate! A big rectangular one this time. The joy!!! Next I found a small dumping pit with mostly barrell bands and stove bits, but there were also a few good things like a helmet liner, field shovel and boot heel irons, lots of them. Also in the dumping ditch was a small token that there is many rumours about. Its been called a Luftwaffe cargo tag and "ticket out of Gumrak/Pitomnik"tag, but in fact it was a kind of cable or line marker used by pioneers and signallers apparently. Two smaller items were by far the nicest ones, a note holder for an instrument and a small brass ring. I will clean it up carefully to see if it can be engraved.
After filling back the ditch I roamed around a bit and found the top and an inner part for a bunker stove, and a bit later the lid for the stove top. I found three different types of rifle buttstock holders and spent about an hour digging out four different vehicle window frames!! It is like when I am clearing away a layer of relics a new one appears so I will be back to this site soon.
Now I am off to check on how the license plate in the oxalic acid is doing.