I had a couple of interesting signals on my stroll towards the pit, but only one of them was a relic worth saving, a knife that looks sort of "home-made" and it lay together with a small rusted pocket knife.
The soil was packed full of rust and bottles and junk, but in between was the odd relic worth rescuing from further decay. At one point I found what looked like a long Brennzunder, but moments later I realized the part belongs to a karbid lamp.
I had put my backpack a few meters away, on the other side of a fence. To reach it I grabbed one of the wires in the fence, and I felt a jolt going through my hand and arm! -Huh? Fences isn`t supposed to hurt? I thought , and with all my blondness I had to investigate it closer by grabbing it with both hands, and damn the shock it gave me, I couldnt even let it go! Ofcourse it was an electrical fence because of the farmers livestock.Who would have thunk it.. :D
Hours went by digging and by the time I had to leave I hadnt found much good stuff,just a few items really, but the hopes for whats to find next is bigger, and I ll be back there after work tomorrow.