After a couple of hours I found a small ditch which I decided needed to be dug out. It was a bit difficult because the top 30-40 cm had been covered with large rocks which roots had grown over and around. The ditch was full of metal and the shards from a thousand broken bottles and windowpanes, and for a while I was about to give up the whole project as no items of interest seemed to be down there. I took out a last shovelfull of the glass filled soil when I spotted a square familiar looking relic. A Stalag POW tag!! The ditch definately had to be completed. The next hours I was excavating the crap out of it while my friend roamed around the site.
The humidity from the soil and the sweat from me attracted every fly, mosquito and horsefly in a miles distance and everytime I stopped digging for just a moment they all seemed to land on me. When I took of my gloves the flies landed on my skin in such hordes that all their tiny legs made it feel like a cat rubbing its head on my hand. I wouldn`t have more tiny crawlers on me if I got buried in an antshill, and of course my can of Deet was safely placed in the car a kilometer away, so it all became an exercise in Zen.
In the end I managed to complete the ditch and the piles of rust and soil around me had grown big. A few good finds had been piled up on my backpack as well. A few nice small bottles, another POW tag was found, but it was unfortunately a steel version, a bunch of cutlery and the next best find of the day was a Kriegsmarine marked coffee mug.
The ditch was empty and the day was turning into evening so we packed up and decided for new adventures come next week.
Thanks for a great day, Baard.
Keep Smiling my friends :)