Today was also spent outside, in a slope, digging, gathering old war junk. Girlfriend and I had went out quite early to this site. Because she had forgot her magnifying glass, she couldn`t mess with the bugs, fry them or whatever science she does with them, so she got bored rather fast and went for a trek to higher altitudes, leaving me all alone with the ants. I tried to be quick, check the signal and move on to the next so that their little armies didn`t have time to swarm me and take me down. A few weeks ago I had found a bottle dump here, seeing the ground there had thawed I could dig it out now. It held many intact bottles but probably more broken ones. Most were wine, champagne and beer but I picked with me two cool vinegare bottles and two perfume ones.
Mid-day had passed and it was getting really warm so I tried searching the areas under the trees, of course the ants were way ahead of me. While I was digging out a couple of K98 Mauser parts I saw the metal detector an armlenght away, brown and covered in ants. They were trying to drag it away!! Almost too late I realized that just was a flanking manouvre by them. I looked down at my leg and they were grabbing on to the tip of my boot!! I got up grabbed the detector,shovel and backpack, which naturally overbalanced me and I tumbled down the slope like some noisy rock.
Having cleverly outmanouvered the dumb ants I continued the search along the bottom of the slope towards the car. For another hour I picked up a pair of ski goggles, a helmet liner and a cool little tea strainer. By now it was too warm for me to want to continue digging, so I found a nice spot by the river to wait for Girlfriend to return.
Tomorrow there might be a new site to check out :)