The area is full of signals,almost like a Kurland frontline. Small iron signals all over the place and loads of wires and bits of string. Here and there was some nicer signals worthy of a dig, and sometimes those signals proved to be dumping pits.
I dug out 2 or 3 of those pits but found nothing of interest. Lots of food tins and bottles only, nomilitary gear at all.
On my way back to the car I found a few heavy pieces of bomb shrapnel from the fighting in 1940 and two shell casings, one norwegian one produced in 1917 and a larger one,possibly a Mg 131 casing.
One of the last signals I dug was todays best finds, a magazine from a MP38/40. I searched the area around it with the hopes the machinpistol itself would also be there but no such luck,,Maybe sometime later this summer ;)