This morning I drove to the good old gasmask mountain and spent several hours there digging. I have searched this area for years now but it keeps surprising me. The last dig I did here last year I found the very first weapon related item, except drum magazines and barrel crates,a mortar firing pin. Today I could not believe my eyes when I from the same hole I left last November pulled out three Mg bolts!! Guess who is rigging up the electrolysis tub tonight??!! Moments after I found something round and large and spent twenty minutes getting it dug out. It was a U.S transportation tube for a 75 mm projectile in an amazing condition, only a little bit of surface rust on it. I also dug out maybe 50 of these nice little orange flasks the Germans was issued with their gasmask kits.
As I was digging a couple of ravens was circling above me investigating me, and suddenly my blood froze for a second when I heard the ghostly sound when one of the small whales that lives in the fjords here came up to breathe. All in all a fantastic day and I hope the weather is the same tomorrow, coz then I ll be out there from very early :)