Yesterday I continued digging the hole with the wheel, I cleared half of it, but now im stuck. Not sure if I will be able to get the wheel out from there. Laying across it is 2 or 3 corrugated sheets which are quite long and wide,and atop them is 1,5m x 1,5m x 2m sand, roots and forest floor and one or two more of the triangular ovens is in there as well. Will make another attempt tomorrow or one of the next days,and if I cant get it I ll ask the landowner if we can go in there with a mini-digger:)
I didnt find much stuff either, tons of rusted food tins and one triangular barrack stove was dug out, but between two of the spokes in the wheel I did find a thermometer in near perfect condition, marked "Wehrmacht",and walking back to the car I found another unissued EKM.
It didn`t take long before I had found a small dumping pit to dig, close to the camps kitchen so I hoped to find some porcelain cups or dishes or nice cutlery. The relic fairies had planned it otherwise, or maybe the cobbler had his workshop next to the kitchen. All I found was a few bottles and lots of leather bits and a little mountain of boot heel irons.
I then decided to stroll around to pick up single signals, but I didn`t find much of interest really, I didn`t walk by any dumping pits either before it started raining heavily forcing me to retreat. I am for sure searching this site some more before the winter comes..