I started early as usual and went into the forest where I had been told there could be some leftovers from a German Heer camp. I strolled for a good while with no luck at all. Then I found the first few evidences that the Wehrmacht might have been here, a few food tins scattered around, and then a top ring from a large field stove with small hooks to hang the mess kits. Then for a long while I couldn`t find a single signal again, not even the typical wire bits or nails, none of it.
I had almost given up when I came across a small burn pit just below the moss. Except half a ski-goggle and the fixture of a Notek light there were only rotted food tins and unrecognisable bits. Now I had walked for hours and it was warm and full of horseflies, mosquitos and other flies trying to eat me alive so I decided to go back home and enjoy the sun instead of tormenting myself any longer. Then I see a few dug outs between some trees and I ran over there and the detector picked up lots of signals. Finally something. I saw it was a dumping pit because some metal stuck out from the ground. I searched around it first and dug up a few horseshoes, a toothpaste tube and a k98 rubber muzzle cap. Then I began digging up the pit. It was hard work, lots of large rocks mixed with bits from a large cast iron oven. On two of the sides of the pit I began to see the shapes of two 20 liter fuel cans, then another rather big round can. But now I could see the square top of a crate down there!! It took a bit more work to pry it loose from the grip of mother earth but I got it to the surface, and it was heavy!
I carefully opened the lid, and all the images of what I hoped was inside it flashed before my eyes, medals, guns, porcelain, uniform, money, you name it.. When I opened the lid I burst out laughing, probably some insane sounding madman laugh, because I looked into a chest full of nails! Big nails, small nails and medium nails. All the nails that ze Germans had forgot to throw around in the forest for poor rust hunters to go crazy over. It was the Motherload! It was so funny and at the same time deeply disappointing, but its a find I will look back on with a big smile for sure.
I went on for another two hours or so and found just a few more bits, two transport case parts for 15cm shells and a Panzerfaust! All three of those look to have good chances to bring back some of the original color on, so now I was pretty happy, very tired and fed up with the bugs trying to consume me, so I went home :)
Happy Days :)